CFO Services

Plans, Budgets, Forecast
  • Participate in Planning Exercise
    • Prepare Templates
    • Scenario Building
    • Risk & opportunity Discussions
  • Participate in Rolling Forecast, set up mechanisms and templates to collate, distribute monthly / quarterly forecasts
  • Regular Reviews (Daily/Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly/Quarterly)
  • Identifying and monitoring Action items and impact assessments
MIS, KPI, Dashboards
  • Understand Key Business measures and convert them into Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Set up flow of information to collate and circulate Management Information Systems (MIS)
  • Identify periodicity of reviews and set up systems to circulate dashboards
  • Regular review and feedback process
Treasury Partnership
  • Identification of Risks & Documentation of Value at Risk (VaR) for significant items 
    • Foreign Exchange
    • Interest Rate
    • Commodity Prices
    • Credit Risk
  • Assessment of available risk management opportunities & investment options
  • Proposing a Foreign Exchange, Investment, Borrowing and Commodity risk management policy
  • Evaluation of cash flow processes and minimizing idle and unusable cash.
  • Set up measures to evaluate treasury performance
Front End & Orchestrate
  • Anchor and synthesize discussions with Tax advisors, Lawyers, Company secretaries and other subject matter experts
Process Excellence